[foto illustration. The priest, Rev. Cyprien, thanking Haiti Première Classe for their work in behalf of the community. Courtesy photo] [Emeline Michel in concert at the gala celebrating the second anniversary di ̂ner of the return of Haiti Premi¨῭re Classe in the air. Dr. Fayette with one of the honorees and the others in the background (Courtesy photo.)]
SOUTH ORANGE, N.J.— Haiti Premiere Classe celebrated its second anniversary of returning on the air Saturday, November 4, with a concert and a dinner-dance at the prestigious SOPAC (South Orange Performing Arts Center.) The host of the Sunday morning television show, Dr. Théodore Fayette, took the opportunity to honor some members of the Haitian community with some plaques.
Around 8 pm, the well-known diva Emeline Michel regaled an assistance of more than 100 at the main auditorium.
She was her Emeline self as she got the assistance to participate by singing along with belting some of her well-known tunes.
Some even danced in place. The singer was backed by musicians on keyboard and drums. Female dancers in Haitian light denim costumes coming on stage with baskets on their heads reminded all of peasant dances back home.
As if to show he can compete with the young lady dancers, the sole male dancer stole the show.
Then it was time to recognize some individuals who have been of service to the community in various branches: Macx Jean-Louis, Esq., for his devotion and commitment to the education of the Haitian community ; Council – woman Charnette Frederick, for her leadership and hard work to remain a voice for the Haitian community; Dr. Jacques Guillaume, for his commitment and dedication and promotion of health in the Haitian community; Enock Placide, for his hard work and dedication to the promotion of Haitian art; Nel Sony Pierre-Louis, for his hard work and dedication to the development of Haiti Premiere Classe; Rev. Émile Cyprien, for his commitment and dedication to the spiritual development of the Haitian community of Spring Valley. To all these honorees, Haiti Premiere Classe presented a plaque and congratulations.
Rev. Cyprien, the priest from Spring Valley, received feverish ovations from a substantial delegation that were just waiting for their idol to be called to the podium.
He returned the compliment by saying a “popular priest is only so because of great and fervent parishioners.”
Then the venue changed as people were invited to the third floor for the dinner dance. The room was packed to capacity.
Buyu Ambroise and his Uniq-band were ready for the occasion as they went from one tune to the other, drawing dancers to the floor up until 1 a.m. Sunday.
Haiti-Observateur congratulates Dr. Fayette and his team, especially Jean Antonio Desrosiers, his co-host of the evening.
The return of Haiti Premiere Classe on the air two years ago, after an absence of many years, is warmly welcomed by its many fans in the community who can’t wait from Sunday to Sunday to appreciate the new interviewees and the regular faces giving advice on health, immigration and insurance, as well as the analysts on politics and other issues.
Long live Haiti Premiere Classe! Tune in at 8-10 am on Sundays on Channel 22 in the New York area. The program can also be accessed through the internet at haitipremiereclasse.com and on YouTube. Dr. Fayette can be reached by email at fayette0101@gmail.com
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