Multilatéralisme Relancé au COVID-19 ou l’ONU RENAITRA D’UNE CATASTROPHE

DIPLOMATIE INTERNATIONALE & SOCIÉTÉ par Dan Albertini Multilatéralisme Relancé au COVID-19 ou l’ONU RENAÎTRA D’UNE CATASTROPHE Entre (), «time is money», New York capitale mondiale, plus maintenant. Fermons ().  Du Japon par la Thaïlande en passant par la Corée dont l’axe Hubei en Chine, le globe vient-il de prendre un second souffle par la pandémie...

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Le Capitalisme l’Insubmersible qui Prend de l’E[aux] US

DIPLOMATIE INTERNATIONALE & SOCIÉTÉ par Dan Albertini Le Capitalisme l’Insubmersible qui Prend de l’E[aux] US Entre () Si Poutine veut Haïti dans sa cour, qu’il vienne le chercher s’il a le cran. Fermons (). «Neoliberalism is destroying our democracy». Chomsky doit certes pleurer la façon du revers de la néo-libéralisation annoncée de Trump sur l’école de Hoover Institution (Friedman/la revue no....

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New York City Lawmaker Fights to Save Immigrant Small Businesses and Jobs

CHRONIQUE DES INVITÉS/GUEST COLLUM By Steven Barrison New York City Lawmaker fights to save immigrant small businesses and jobs The last 20 years of hyper real estate speculation in NYC has put every immigrant business owners’ future in jeopardy. The majority of immigrant owners fear when their leases are about to expire.  They are anxious...

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New York’s landmark paid family now in effect

By Clarissa Rodriguez * Millions of New Yorkers are now eligible for job protected, paid time off to care for their families under New York’s new Paid Family Leave, the strongest and most comprehensive Paid Family Leave in the nation. The new law, championed by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, protects the wages and job security...

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Mayor Giuliani Joins HAITI OBSERVATEUR’S 25th Anniversary Celebration

MAYOR GIULIANI JOINS HAITI OBSERVATEUR'S 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Archives of the Mayor's Press Office FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: November 15, 1996 Release #589-96 Contact: Colleen Roche (212) 788-2958 or Nydia Negron (212) 788-9364 Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani today proclaimed Friday, November 15, 1996, as "Haiti Observateur's 25th Anniversary Day." The proclamation was presented to Leopold...

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