What’s behind the arrest of Joseph Félix Badio at this time?

HAPPENINGS! AN ANALYSIS What’s behind the arrest of Joseph Félix Badio at this time? By Raymond A. Joseph  The arrest last Thursday, October 19, of Joseph Félix Badio is puzzling, eliciting all sorts of commentaries, including that it would be part of a decision in high places to finally fire the de facto Prime Minister,...

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AN ANALYSIS The fallout from a self-manufactured crisis By Raymond A. Joseph

4 October 2023—HAPPENINGS! AN ANALYSIS The fallout from a self-manufactured crisis By Raymond A. Joseph A deepening crisis is buffeting Haiti and the Dominican Republic since September 15, when Luis Abinader, the Dominican president, ordered the closing of the border between the two nations sharing sovereignty of the second largest island in the Caribbean, second...

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A Call to the Haitian Diaspora as Architects of Change in Haiti by Ralph Roh

A Call to the Haitian Diaspora as Architects of Change in Haiti A young Haitian gave a riveting speech to a limited audience that I believe Haitians, especially in the far-flung Diaspora, must hear. Ralf Roh, 40, believes that change for a new Haiti rests with its daughters and sons abroad. Thus, when he was...

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Jovenel Moïse having crossed the nation’s threshold of tolerance, it’s time now to eject him from power 

EDITORIAL Jovenel Moïse having crossed the nation’s threshold of tolerance, it’s time now to eject him from power  During the “country lock” phenomenon late last year until last February, the popular and democratic sector had called for the immediate and unconditional departure of Jovenel Moïse from the National Palace. Millions of citizens took to the...

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Expression de reconnaissance du Premier ministre Trudeau adressée aux travailleurs de la santé d’origine haïtienne

SOINS PRODIGUÉS AUX VICTIME DU CONAVIRUS par Editor Expression de reconnaissance du Premier ministre Trudeau adressée aux travailleurs de la santé d’origine haïtienne Nous publions in extenso l’intervention du Premier ministre canadien, Justin Trudeau, reconnaissant l’apport des travailleurs de la santé d’origine haïtienne au Québec face à la pandémie COVID-19. Selon le chef du gouvernement...

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The real cost of the Stimulus Bill BALDWING, L.I., NY. April 27, 2020  by Hadley Benoit*

The real cost of the Stimulus Bill BALDWING, L.I., NY. April 27, 2020  by Hadley Benoit* The current narrative being put out is that we’ve been blindsided by a virus coming out of China. A virus that may have occurred naturally or created in a lab and released through some kind of error, accident or...

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10 million masks for Haiti… by Hugh Locke

10 million masks for Haiti... by Hugh Locke The Scouts of Haiti are mobilizing more than a thousand independent tailors and sewing ateliers throughout the country, many using foot-powered treadle machines, to make masks as the country responds to coronavirus, or COVID-19. A consortium of NGOs and businesses have joined the Scouts under the banner...

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The Moïse regime in Haiti is a delinquent State in the Hemisphere

EDITORIAL by Editor The Moïse regime in Haiti is a delinquent State in the Hemisphere Since Jovenel Moïse was sworn in as president of the Republic while under indictment for money laundering, astute observers began to sound the alarm. They thought that having risen to the highest office of the State without any institution intervening...

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A dismal start for the new Prime Minister by RAJ

HAPPENINGS par RAJ A dismal start for the new Prime Minister            The new Prime Minister,Joseph Jouthe, announced by presidential tweet early Monday morning, March 2, before an official decree later that day by President Jovenel Moïse, was inaugurated on Wednesday, March 4. In his inaugural speech, he set the tone for the government he would...

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Voices of Hope for Haiti’s Future Edited by Hugh Locke

Voices of Hope for Haiti’s Future Edited by Hugh Locke This is the third installment of positive initiatives in Haiti that show promise for the future. Empowering the Creative Economy Ciné Institute, Haiti’s film school, was born from Festival Film Jakmèl. Following the earthquake, we grew to become the Artists Institute, a professional training and...

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