The unification of the Haitian Diaspora, can it be done ? By Judith Portier

The unification of the Haitian Diaspora, can it be done ? By Judith Portier Special to HO - A political maverick once said, “The worst thing you can do is to waste an importunity.” The political and social situation in Haiti has degenerated to a point of almost no return, and it seems that the...

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Mobilizing internal resources in respond to COVID-19 by Dr. Jean-Yves Plaisir

Mobilizing internal resources in respond to COVID-19 by Dr. Jean-Yves Plaisir SPECIAL TO H-O―Since its founding in the State of New Jersey in 2017, Haitian Leadership Forum (HLF) has focused energy on reinforcing existing capacity to respond to perennial challenges and quality of life issues that have become more acute in Haitian communities amid the...

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