AN ANALYSIS The fallout from a self-manufactured crisis By Raymond A. Joseph

4 October 2023—HAPPENINGS! AN ANALYSIS The fallout from a self-manufactured crisis By Raymond A. Joseph A deepening crisis is buffeting Haiti and the Dominican Republic since September 15, when Luis Abinader, the Dominican president, ordered the closing of the border between the two nations sharing sovereignty of the second largest island in the Caribbean, second...

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HAITIAN NATIONALS ON THE BRINK OF A PRECIPICE IN TEXAS * By Georges Bossous, Jr. In light of the inhuman treatment of Haitian nationals in Del Rio, Texas, I am obligated to express my grief and take a stand on behalf of the Haitian American Leadership Initiative. The terrifying images of our brothers and sisters...

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FLORIDA: The Haitian Vote may determine the outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election

FLORIDA: The Haitian Vote may determine the outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election By Emmanuel Roy* Depending on Haitian fatigue or not, Donald J. Trump could end up with another four years in the White House, despite his dereliction of duty. For, American presidential elections are not decided by one-man one vote. If that were...

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A-t-on Volé l’Âme Intellectuelle de l’Haïtien ou Suis-je un Zombi à l’OMPI ?

DIPLOMATIE INTERNATIONALE ET SOCIÉTÉ par Dan Albertini A-t-on Volé l’Âme Intellectuelle de l’Haïtien ou Suis-je un Zombi à l’OMPI ? Entre (). Omerta, Holness adventiste observe l’abus de la RD sur ses Haïtiens, fermons-les (). Que font les représentations consulaires haïtiennes à l’étranger quand il s’agit de protéger le patrimoine non matériel et les propriétés intellectuelles...

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Trump’s 2016 vow to Haitians

Trump’s 2016 vow to Haitians That he’d be their champ Has just turned into tragedy This article by Raymond Joseph, was a Special to the New York Sun which published it on January 11, 2018, identifying the author as Ambassador Joseph, founding editor of the Haiti-Observateur and formerly Haiti’s envoy in Washington, is a contributing editor of the Sun. Flabbergasted was my reaction...

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