Nouvelles Brèves et Commentaires, Déclanchement d’une guerre économique par RAJ

Nouvelles Brèves et Commentaires Déclanchement d’une guerre économique par RAJ À la veille de son adresse au Congrès mardi soir, 4 mars, le Président Donald Trump a annoncé l’imposition de tarifs contre certains pays, revenant ainsi à une action qu’il avait entreprise tôt après sa deuxième inauguration comme chef d’État de la République étoilée, le...

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Et si le président envisageait d’un conflit racial à grande échelle pour remonter la pente ? par Raymond Alcide Joseph

NOUVELLES BRÈVES Et si le président envisageait d’un conflit racial à grande échelle pour remonter la pente ? par Raymond Alcide Joseph De quel président est-il question, sinon du chef d’État américain, dont la cote de popularité est en baisse, face à son rival, et qui entrevoit dans son slogan « Law and Order »...

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When “propagandists and fabricators” misuse the name of a prominent journalist by Raymond Alcide Joseph

HAPPENINGS When “propagandists and fabricators” misuse the name of a prominent journalist by Raymond Alcide Joseph It’s unheard-of that journalists threaten to sue for defamation. Usually it’s the other way around. But that’s exactly what Jacqueline Charles, award-winning journalist, who has made a name for herself at the Miami Herald, threatened to do, following the...

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Une tentative d’assassinat de Joel “Pasha” Vorbe a eu des échos jusqu’au Congrès U.S.

NOUVELLES BRÈVES... by RAJ *Une tentative d’assassinat de Joel “Pasha” Vorbe a eu des échos jusqu’au Congrès U.S. La nouvelle a choqué tout le monde. On a failli assassiner Joël Vorbe, jeune frère de Dimitri Vorbe. Selon Gazette Haiti, en ligne, vers les 3 heures du matin, le 30 mars (lundi), un commando lourdement armé...

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A dismal start for the new Prime Minister by RAJ

HAPPENINGS par RAJ A dismal start for the new Prime Minister            The new Prime Minister,Joseph Jouthe, announced by presidential tweet early Monday morning, March 2, before an official decree later that day by President Jovenel Moïse, was inaugurated on Wednesday, March 4. In his inaugural speech, he set the tone for the government he would...

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Systematically, the Dictatorship is evolving

HAPPENINGS! Systematically, the Dictatorship is evolving Following his dismissal, in a January 12 tweet, of 10 Senators still with a mandate of two more years, Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse’s decree of February 12, is another full power grab, which will allow him to grant government contracts without oversight. Unquestionably, that’s another step down the path...

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Jerry TARDIEU in Conference (by RAJ)

HAPPENINGS Jerry Tardieu in conference SPECIAL TO H-O. — It happened at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., last Tuesday evening, April 2, where Député (Congressman) Jerry Tardieu, representing the Pétion-Ville constituency in the Lower House of Parliament, spoke to a full house at the Fong Auditorium of Boylston Hall. The topic, “Haiti. After the 2010...

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Turmoil in Haiti Made Worse by U.S. and Haitian Officials

HAPPENINGS Turmoil in Haiti made worse by U.S. and Haitian officials by RAJ In the midst of turmoil in Haiti since February 7, the country was jolted by the arrest, February 17, of eight heavily armed men, including five American citizens, two aliens holding U.S. permanent residence and one Haitian citizen, a deportee from the U.S....

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Happenings, By RAJ

Happenings, By RAJ It happened Friday night, December 21, in Port-au-Prince where a fire consumed Radio Kiskeya, whose best-known crusading journalist Liliane Pierre-Paul dares to speak truth to power. Thus, the fire is considered suspicious. According to a reporter from Le Nouvelliste, (December 22), the Port-au-Prince daily, who arrived on the scene around 10 pm...

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Hapenings. Since it will be Sunday, probably people will be going to church

Hapenings by RAJ It’s happening on November 18, four days from now. Since it will be Sunday, probably people will be going to church. Isn’t that what most Christians do on Sunday ? But in Haiti, this Sunday will be totally different. Perhaps some Catholics will go to the Four o’clock Mass, if that tradition is...

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