Pancarte PetroCaribe Challenge, Jovenel Moïse Behind Bars.

HAPPENINGS by RAJ WANTED Pancarte PetroCaribe Challenge, Jovenel Moïse behind bars. October 17 will mark the 212th anniversary of the assassination of Haiti’s hero of independence, Jean-Jacques Dessalines. On that date, there is a callfor nationwide demonstrations to draw more attention on the $3.8 billion heist of the PetroCaribe Fund by government officials, from 2008 to 2016. Meanwhile, the government has announced a first...

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La Survie de l’Hôtel IBO Lélé Entravée par de Sérieuses Contradictions

LA SURVIE DE L’HÔTEL IBO LÉLÉ ENTRAVÉE PAR DE SÉRIEUSES CONTRADICTIONS Rixe entre acheteur et vendeur dégénérée en corps-à-corps Par Léo Joseph Depuis déjà quelque temps, les relations entre les sœurs Baussan, propriétaires de l’hôtel Ibo Lélé, et Fritz Paret, l’acheteur en possession de l’établissement, voilà déjà près d’un an, n’ont jamais évolué dans la paix et la convivialité favorables à la bonne...

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Happening : Namoni and Serena After the Match

Happening : Namoni and Serena After the Match by RAJ It happened on Saturday, September 8, at the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament, at the Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, N.Y.: 20-year-old Naomi Osaka defeated her idol, the 36-year-old tennis queen Serena Williams in two sets – 6-2, 6-4 –, thwarting Serena’s dream of breaking two records. Forget the controversy surrounding the upset which caused Serena...

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Rediscovering Haiti Chéri

Rediscovering Haiti Chéri by Jim Hutley The one thing that has suffered the most in Haiti’s economy over the last six decades of dictatorships, hurricanes, and a massive earthquake in 2010 is the lack of a vibrant tourist industry. Prior to the Duvalier regimes, beginning in 1957, Haiti had a relatively strong tourist business with fashionable hotels in Port-au-Prince and some small beach...

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Overcoming The Immigration Obstacles

Overcoming The Immigration Obstacles By Jim Uttley Often like crossing the Red Sea — it takes a miracle The events of the last week are hard to believe. Painful sights of children being pulled from their families and shipped thousands of miles from their parents. Crowds of people lined up at processing centers along the U.S.-Mexico border waiting their turn to either to...

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Let’s stop fighting over the children

IMMIGRATION DEBATE By Jim Uttley Let’s stop fighting over the children We are living in very chaotic times—across North America and around the globe. The Immigration debate that started almost 20 years ago has now turned into an open war. On the one hand, the Democrats who are pushing either for total “open borders” to a more conservative position of “let’s find a way...

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Chicago pastor celebrates 80 years of life and Ministry

Chicago pastor celebrates 80 years of life and Ministry On Saturday, March 3, Pastor Ginette Larivère, founder of the New Jerusalem Evangelistic Church in Chicago, Illinois, celebrated her 80th birthday with friends and family as well as church members. But instead  of the attention being on her, Pastor Larivière dedicated her 80th birthday as a celebration of...

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New York’s landmark paid family now in effect

By Clarissa Rodriguez * Millions of New Yorkers are now eligible for job protected, paid time off to care for their families under New York’s new Paid Family Leave, the strongest and most comprehensive Paid Family Leave in the nation. The new law, championed by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, protects the wages and job security...

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The squandering of the PetroCaribe Fund

Is Michel Martelly looking for accomplices ? he results of the inquiry conducted by Senator Evalière Beauplan’s Senate Special Committee, after that led by the former president of the Senate, Senator Youri Latortue, have triggered a lively debate that will likely continue for a long time. The findings, we should note, point fingers at more than a dozen former senior officials of...

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Congress must stabilize the individual market

Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D- WA) created a bipartisan bill last year to improve health insurance markets. The deal allocates funds for cost-sharing reductions, which reduce out- of-pocket costs for low-income beneficiaries. The senators’ bill is a welcome step to stabilizing the individual markets. The Administration previously announced its intention to slash funds for CSRs. That action,...

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